
Maréchal et associés entrepreneur paysagiste:

The main division of Les entreprises Maréchal. In charge of the many landscaping projects for the residential and commercial branch. Our goal is to complete your dream project and maximize your investment while paying close attention to your budget.

MM excavation Gatineau:

A sister company founded in 2016 with the participation of François Maréchal and Jasen Crochemore, the latter being a young and ambitious contractor who has worked for years with Les entreprises Maréchal. This division is specialized in all types of excavation and natural stone work.

Le Petit Coup de Main:

Offers a variety of services for our customer such as cleaning, maintenance, commercial and residential snow removal, manual workforce, etc.

Home improvement:

Interior projects, basement, kitchen, bathroom, all sorts of repairs.


Aims to encourage the reuse of objects or materials while minimizing the distances on which they must be moved. Customers can meet their needs for reusable materials such as soil, pavers, treated wood, and more.

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